Wheet Flour(Atta)


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    Atta, also known as wheat flour, is a finely ground whole wheat flour commonly used in Indian cuisine. It is a staple ingredient in many Indian flatbreads, such as roti, chapati, paratha, and puri. Atta is made from durum wheat, which is a harder wheat variety than the wheat used to make all-purpose flour. This gives Atta a higher protein content and a coarser texture.

    Here are some of the health benefits of atta:

    • Rich in fiber: Atta is a good source of fiber, which is important for digestive health.
    • Good source of protein: Atta is higher in protein than all-purpose flour, which can help you feel fuller for longer.
    • Contains essential nutrients: Atta is a good source of iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients.

    If you are looking for a healthy and versatile flour to use in your cooking, atta is a great option. It can be found in most Indian grocery stores or online retailers.


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